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About 3 weeks ago, the RC Phone on my Android began automatically logging me after after a couple of hours due to inactivity. We have now had a 2nd phone in our organization which began automatically logging the user off which began last week. So far we have had no reports of iPhone automatically logging users out. Any ideas?

I am having this same issue with RC Phone app with my Pixel 2 XL and Android 11. It was working previously fine until yesterday and then it the missed calls and call history will go blank and get stuck on updating. It will follow with you've been logged out. Also, it seems to get stuck around 45-60 minutes if that helps.

I've uninstalled, rebooted and re-installed and its no longer kicking me out, but I also can't use any of the features of the application including dialing or messaging. It says the caller ID you selected is not available now, please try again and the messages just get stuck on sending. Also, the same issue is occurring for the missed and all calls it's just stuck on updating.

I've confirmed that the iOS application isn't effected.

It's frustrating because my company uses it for emergency on call functionality and we need it to work.

We have had a 3rd mobile phone in our organization that started autologging off due to inactivity start last week. All 3 are Androids. Update: We found that when we do not use SSO to sign into the app, the app is no longer autologging out of the RC Phone app but unsure why. As Jenna stated above, try logging in with the direct number and password instead of SSO.

Just want to add to this conversation - about a week ago my RC Phone app started doing the exact same thing. I always use SSO and I also have an Android phone. It logs me out after only about 30 minutes if I don't open the app. It did not do this before. We have not made any changes to our SSO policies.

Our product team was able to reproduce this issue and released a patch to fix this today. Please ensure you are on version 20.3.2 and you should be all set!

Thank you Jessica!!

It's working thanks!

Is anyone else still getting logged out? This time its after 8+ hours. I'll keep more track of time to confirm.

We have had no further auto-logouts on Android since we updated to
