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Hello, my Ring Central App doesn't ring at all. I just get a message pop up informing me of a missed call and voicemail is usually left. Sometime my phone lights up as if I touched a button then goes dark again, but nothing on my screen at a to show me it's ringing until it's too late.I use an i Phone iOS 10.3.2. it's a US account but I use mine in the UK when i'm on good/strong wifi. It did used to ring when I first had it but stopped a few months ago. I'm hoping you can help.


We are having a similar problem. My colleague's RC iPhone app only rings sometimes. Sometimes the length of the ring is very short, not providing her enough time to locate her phone and respond to the call. Sometimes it does not ring at all, and she only sees a notification about a missed call/voicemail. I have attached screenshots of her settings. 

My phone won't ring thru the mobile app.
Hello Sez,

Have you tried uninstalling/reinstalling the app?

Could you post screen shots of your current call settings? Tap the icon on the top left-hand side (where a picture can go) -> Tap Call Settings

Next, have you checked your iPhone's settings for the RC Mobile App? On your iPhone go to Settings -> Notifications -> Find the RC Mobile App -> What Notifications are Allowed? Could you post a screen shot?

Thank you!

I am having this same problem. How do I fix?

Yes- it rings for text and messages but not phone calls.

any useful answer from support?


any useful answer from support?


I would recommend reviewing your setting to ensure everything is the way you want it. 
There’s more info here, but circle back if you’re still running into problems.
