Hey Ben, we push releases out in batches
Sounds like your account hasn't received it just yet. You can check with your Account Manager who can check on when yours is scheduled.
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Note in the new feature release webinar a few days ago, they specifically said the new release will begin pushing out to the first PODs later this month (August 2019)
I know ours is slated to begin for POD 13 August 26th - was the last we heard.
Contact your Account Manager or Customer Success Manager and they should be able to get the info for when your POD is beling sent the new release.
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What version on the Windows app will give us the ability to change the outgoing text number? I have 19.8.1 and the option is still not there. I can finally do it on the ios app. The desktop app still doesn't have the option and it still doesn't have contacts!