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Set call handling to ring hardphone BEFORE mobile app

  • 9 October 2018
  • 9 replies

We have a need to set the hardphone to ring first, then roll (sequentially) to either the mobile app or the cellphone.  When will this feature be available?

Agreed. Would like this feature too and have been told it is not currently available.

Amen. So obvious a need. Come on Ring Central !

It's the oldest & most upvoted feature request in the RC Community. And has been met with crickets. Not even dignified with a "let us tell you why it's too hard for us to do."

Agreed. It's rather annoying to have to sit here listening to my cell phone and my desktop app ringing while I wait for my Polycom phone to start ringing so I can finally answer the call. I've taken to just disabling the mobile/desktop apps entirely.


I would also love to have this. I've got the desktop app, the phone app, and a Polycom hardware phone. If I'm at my desk, I nearly always want to answer using the hard phone, but I have to sit there listening to the mobile and desktop apps ringing for a while before the desk phone rings at all.

Hi Mary - I'm pretty sure that's how I had it set up, but I will double-check it one more time in case it wasn't saved or something.

Simultaneous is not a good solution. We're YEARS waiting for a change of order. When a person is at their desk, there's no reason their mobile phone or desktop app needs to ring at all.

Thanks, Mary. Everybody knows it's not an option, and everybody has already voted for it. It's the most up-voted feature request for many years. We've all had this same conversation with your predecessors.

Thanks, Mary. Let me know how that turns out.

We agree with all the other commenters. Please fix this ASAP and allow the deskphone to ring before the desktop and mobile apps. As one of the key decision makers for our entity, this deficiency will likely lead to us switching carriers.
