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We have been having this issue for months where anytime we log in to our RC desktop apps, there will be random tasks missing. Regardless of if the tasks are one time messages or regularly repeating tasks, they might just not show up in the task list. It seems to be entirely random as sometimes they seem to all show and others, entire categories of tasks will not show or random tasks that vary from day to day will not show. It seems to be different tasks that will not show or will show from day to day. The only way to get them to show is to search for them specifically in the search bar and click on each individual one. It is an ongoing issue that continuously causes problems in our office each day. Im sure it would be easy to imagine the kinds of problems it causes when office staff will come in day to day and tasks that have to do with their work each day will just randomly not show up.

Since you've been having this issue for months I assume you already contacted support and they weren't able to help you??

If nobody knows of a solution I would do this:
In the bottom left of the desktop app you have Resource Center. Whenever you notice that a task is not showing when it should be you can "report a bug". This will send the logs to the development/engineering team. Once you do so, contact support and inform them, so they can keep you up to date. I am not sure if you otherwise would get updates from engineers/dev team.
