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I don't understand how this can be so complicated and there is really no support from RC. I have been with RC for years and all you get are some brainless bots dating back to 1980. I text between employees and team members and respond to clients by text and not talking about more than 15000 and less than 15000. It's ridiculous. None of the options even apply to me, so I have no idea how to even fill these out and no support. They send you some sheets that I have already seen that do not apply to my business, Some clients don't want to be called and want texts. I am seriously going to see if there is a replacement for RC. Any one can recommend another company?

@David Schroeder I understand your frustration, but unfortunately, this is an industry-wide shift. If you move to another provider you will encounter the same requirements.
The FCC is requiring carriers (Verizon, AT&T, etc.) to register business SMS users...No matter the frequency, volume, or use case.
We are working with those carriers to ensure our customers are registered so they will not be blocked as spam.

I am happy to assist you and answer any questions you may have.
Please ask them here or in our Community Support email inbox -
