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Can someone clarify--is it really the case the I have to register a "campaign" with TCR, obtain consent, have an opt-out mechanism, and pay some BS monthly fee--all so that I can send a few text responses to my clients and vendors? Do I really need consent to text a client that I'm stuck in traffic and will be 5 minutes late? Do my vendors really need the ability to opt out of messages like "i'm sorry i missed your call--will try you this afternoon?". This sounds like a money grabbing bureaucratic hellhole. Please someone tell me that my understanding is wrong--and tell me how to continue to use SMS on my RC line in the same way I use it on my cellphone.

Sidenote--I still can't opt out of messages from shortcode spammers because RC won't let me send texts to shortcode numbers, but I have to register a campaign so that I won't cause the same frustration to others??

@Sandheep Surendran Short answer - yes.
All businesses that leverage SMS must comply - this is a requirement of the FCC and carriers are expected to align with that requirement.
RingCentral works with those carriers and the expectation is that we bring our customers into compliance with these new policies.
I'm sorry - I know it's inconvenient and frustrating, but RingCentral is working to support customers in this transition.
If I can answer further questions, please reach out here or via email.
