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tcr registration guidelines are overkill

  • 20 August 2024
  • 2 replies

I have revised my tcr and my privacy policy on my website was written by my lawyer. Still was acceptable by tcr registration. What else can I do to get texts working for my company? This is important for my business to communicate with customers.


Thanks for looking into this

Hi @Jessie We'll have someone reach out to you to provide proper guidance on submitting your TCR registration.

I have revised my tcr and my privacy policy on my website was written by my lawyer. Still was acceptable by tcr registration. What else can I do to get texts working for my company? This is important for my business to communicate with customers.


Thanks for looking into this

@Jessie I just wanted to circle back to make sure you understand that these guidelines are unfortunately out of RingCentral’s hands - we’re just working to help keep our customers compliant based on the expectations of the carriers. But I know @Mary-Community_Moderator will help get this in front of our TCR experts and we’ll hopefully get a resolution soon!

In the meantime, if you run into any hurdles circle back here or shoot us an email. We’ll be sure to escalate if you aren’t getting what you need. 
