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Hello - I paid in full and signed up with Ring Central on 12 - 24 - 22, this would be our 4th or 5th round in trying to migrate to RingCentral!

While I had high hopes since we had an onboarding call the 12 - 26 - 22 to learn we could text message, we have filled out the form for Cloud Talk, RedOxygen and Open phonen all approved in minutes.

We were told the form would be approved in 24 - 72 hours, were now 1 1/2 waiting for texting - we can not use the platform otherwise.

Who has actually been approve??

@Tammie McDaniel I can't speak for those other platforms - they may be simply approving your ability to text, but not pushing through compliance via TCR.
My team is happy to look into your request and see where it stands, but typically it takes 7-10 business days for the request to be processed through the TCR.

I emailed the RingCentral Executive team and got a response from a SVP of sales on the issue - RingCental at this point today can Not Sign up a New Customer and enable Texting in a timely Manner!

  • We signed up paid in full on 12.24.22
  • Filled out initial form 12.27
  • Submitted form 4 more times - was acknowledged received on 1.6.23
  • Was advise it takes 24-72 hours to process
  • Has NOT processed as of 1.18.23
  • Now Advised once it actually processed received - it will take another 10-15 Days
  • ALL NEW CUSTOMERS should anticipate it taking at least 2 months to get Texting Enabled!
  • We Can Not use the account, having to get weekly credits!

same problem tammie. i signed up December 8th. account executive left and nobody bothered telling me. requested text messaging on day 1. finally in early January i reached out to see what the hold up was and they assigned me a new account exec who told me to fill out the TCR form. sent in my TCR form on January 9th. was told 10-14 business days. on business day 21 now from the form and almost 2 months after signing up with Ring Central and still no text messaging. sure am getting charged by the company each month though!

Form filled out on 1/5. It's now been 31 days. THIS IS CRITICAL to my business. The account manager never mentioned that I might be without this service for months! If it wasn't such a pain to port my number back to my old service, I would!

Similar issue…this is a real problem.

I doubt this was a surprise roll out by all the major cell carriers…just seems like a little planning could have prevented all this.

TCR form submitted on Jan 7th. We are a property management company that can’t reply to any texts; I get that it’s out of RingCental’s control but I feel like someone should have seen this coming.

1 month today and still no resolution, prepare for longer than 10-14 days.
