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Over the last few weeks, our company has been having small little "blips" on our Polycom VVX500 devices. During these blips, company-wide an error is thrown on our Polycom saying "Line Unregistered" and we are unable to make or receive calls. These blips last for about 30 seconds, and then things go back to normal on their own. My laptop is connected to the internet via ethernet, straight from the Polycom device. And during these 30 second blips, our network does not go down, and I am still able to ping out to Google's DNS with no issue.

I checked the logs on my Polycom's GUI, and see the following coinciding with whenever these blips happen:

0419025151|sip |5|00|SSL_get_error nLen -1 errno 110 nError 5 = (0)error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)

0419025151|sip |4|00|TLS Listen Thread Exit

0419025151|cfg |5|00|Prm|Array parameter key.x.function.prim index 324 is out of range

0419025236|sip |4|00|[tls] Server Certificate Common Name '' doesn't match any of the following:

0419025236|sip |4|00|[tls] Hostname:

0419025236|sip |4|00|[tls] Outbound Proxy:

0419025236|sip |4|00|[tls] Server Certificate SAN or CN validation failed

0419025236|sip |4|00|MakeTlsConnection: connection failed error 1

0419025247|sip |4|00|Abandon : Listen Thread has not exited. No need to abandon this socket

0419025247|sip |4|00|Abandon : Listen Thread has not exited. No need to abandon this socket

0419025247|sip |4|00|Abandon : Listen Thread has not exited. No need to abandon this socket

0419025247|sip |4|00|Abandon : Listen Thread has not exited. No need to abandon this socket

0419025247|sip |4|00|Abandon : Listen Thread has not exited. No need to abandon this socket

0419025247|sip |4|00|Abandon : connected socket. Send Message 0x279be98

0419025247|sip |5|00|SSL_get_error nLen 0 errno 0 nError 5 = (0)error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)

These usually just repeat until eventually they go away until the next occurrence. These normally also happen overnight, from around 1:00 AM - 3:00 AM or so, but there have been some occasions (as recently as yesterday afternoon) where this happens during work hours. All calls are dropped when the blips happen, which is incredibly inconvenient for the company.

Does anyone have any suggestions? This looks to be TLS related... but I'm not sure if this is something we need to handle of RingCentral.

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