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I am trying to get all the RC apps installed to use in Horizon AppVolumes. I open an elevated command prompt and run this:

msiexec /i RingCentral-19.05.2-x64.msi ALLUSERS=1 /qn

but it does not install. I have tried it without the ALLUSERS=1 as well and no joy. The RC Meeting and Phone work fine using these switches:

msiexec /i RingCentralPhone-11.0.2.msi ALLUSERS=1 /qn

msiexec /i RCMeetingsClientSetup.msi MEETINGSAUTOUPDATE="false" /qn /norestart

What's am I doing wrong?

Hey Dudley, I'm not an Admin like yourself so unfortunately I don't push out MSIs to Users. However, we do have a Glip room where other RingCentral Users discuss MSI deployment. If you'd like, I can add you to that group and someone there may be able to help 🙂
