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Updated Desktop app, failure to auto launch (vs Classic version)

  • 29 May 2020
  • 8 replies

With the new Desktop App, is there a way for it to auto launch? We updated the app from Classic, but the new Jupiter version does not auto launch. Thx.

Can you elaborate on the expectation? What do you mean by auto-launch? When you boot the pc/mac or when you click any link that takes you to the RC App?
Application launch upon rebooting computer (like the classic version, or microsoft teams)
Thank you. I have confirmed that this is a known gap and will be addressed soon.
What is the status on this being addressed?  Thank you.
Checking on this again...this feature is needed and should have been something that was carried over from the classic phone app
Yes, this feature is missing. I had to put a shortcut in my startup folder. There's no option to autostart upon reboot or sign-in. Also, please include an option to start in the system tray instead of having the main window load upon startup. Thanks.

Feature still missing for our users - new app, Version: Web, Windows

@abi , any updates on this since May 29th? Thank you.
