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Hi - where can I find faxes that are scheduled to send at a later time? I want to be able to see that the faxes I have schedules to send later are indeed scheduled and waiting to be sent. So far I have schedules 2 faxes to be sent at a later time, and I am only able to see one fx marked as "submitted", but does not show any information about scheduled time to send, etc. I see it in the "Sent" folder of the RingCenteral Windows program v. Version: Web, Windows. However, when I click to "view" this fax I get the following error: "Invalid or corrupted PDF files" When I click "More Information" for this error it states "PDF.js v1.6.264 (build: 47a1c77) Message: Invalid PDF structure". Same problem in RingCenteral Phone App. Can only see 1 of the 2 faxes I scheduled to send at later time with no information about the date and time it is supposed to be sent. When I try to view the fax, I get the same error codes. Please help. Thank you.

Hello Brian, in the RingCentral app, the scheduled fax should be under Sent Items. It will not show any details on it. It will only say Submitted, and underneath, it says processing. If you only see one item, the other wasn't successfully scheduled.
