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We have been having issues with RingCentral calls coming through our Android phones for MONTHS! Nothing has really been fixed.

We are a small business and we have one phone set up to get 6-rings before going to the second phone to also ring 6-times before then going to voicemail. The purpose of this is so a potential customer will hopefully get their call answered before they get to our voicemail so services are personal! On the first phone, it is hit and miss when a call will even come through. For instance yesterday the caller called our RingCentral number and the first caller was shocked the call even came through. The call was answered without issue! When that same caller called later in the evening, it never rang on the first phone, rang one the second phone, went to voicemail, and the first caller had gotten a notification email that there was a voicemail. Due to RingCentral reps changing things around to "fix" the issue, 1st Caller couldn't access voicemail.

This is such a HUGE headache. The issue remains an issue and to get a Rep that knows what they are doing fully is next to impossible. They keep dinking around and screwing up things more and more. This is putting our business at risk.

We do not have a complicated set up. We only have 2-users, want one phone to ring 6-times, second phone to ring 6-times, go to voicemail, be notified through text/.email of calls, and be dependable 100% of the time. We have uninstalled and reinstalled the phone app. We have spent countless hours with reps trying to get the issue resolved and it is getting screwed up more, and it would be nice to talk to someone who is an expert that we can work with all of the time until the issue is resolved instead of getting bounced around. We are tired of repeating our situation and it is time wasted to repeat the same steps of troubleshooting with each newbie we get.


You should contact customer support instead of asking here, the developer community. I will move your question to the customer community also to see if someone can help you.

Are you using a call queue or a user to perform this call set up?

Hi Carlton, sorry for having this issue. Let me follow up with the case owner if there's an update on this problem.
