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With an incoming call, my phone isn't giving me the right way to answer

  • 5 April 2019
  • 7 replies

With an incoming call, instead of giving me the green dot for answer and red for reject, my phone makes me swipe, then enter the phone passcode, then I have to press ringcentral on the options on the phone. The other girl who uses it doesn't have to do that. She just presses the green dot and it gives her all the options for the call such as transfer. Please help. Thank you

Hey Kimberly, could you provide more info? Which app are you using? Do you have a screen shot you could share? Are you using an Android or an iPhone?
I have an iPhone.  We use the ring central phone ap. The first is what it is doing.  It should have the green accept and red reject buttons and the incoming number. I couldn't find a pic of that.

Thanks, Kimberly. So looks like you don't have Integrated Calling set up on the app. It's under Call Settings.

Also, when the phone is locked, you will get the option to swipe. However, if your phone is unlocked, you will get the Accept or Decline options (no swipe).
Intergrated calling says it is on.  The little slide button is to the right and it is blue. Thank you for your help.  I will try calling that phone when I know it is unlocked and see if that works.  
Hmmm....did you compare which iOS you and your colleague are on?
It worked when the phone was unlocked, but I was sure hers was locked when she used it.  But maybe not.  Thank you for your help.  Unfortunately I don't use the cell itself very often, just when I need to be away from my desk, so I will always have to go through the whole process to get to the menu. 😞   Thank you so very much for your help.
Always happy to help! If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask :) 
