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Delete Glip Conversations

  • 20 June 2018
  • 8 replies

Our group would like to be able to delete conversations in Glip. To date, we've been instructed we can only delete what the user themselves wrote line by line. Please inform if there is a work-around or if this is in the works. Thank you.

8 replies

Hi Sandy, 

Team admins are also able to delete Glip conversations. 

  • Archive Team - When a project is over, or a team simply isn't needed anymore, archive it instead of deleting it so that all of the team's content is preserved and fully searchable. Archived teams are moved to a separate section at the bottom of the Teams page so that they don't clutter up the list of active teams. You can always bring an archived team back to life by clicking on the Restore button next to its entry at the bottom of the Teams page.
  • Delete Team - Deletes the team. Note that you should only delete a team if it was accidentally created, or if you are positive no one will ever need access to any of the conversation or content in the team. Otherwise, it is better to leave the team as-is. If it is no longer used, it will quickly disappear from the left pane as more active conversations push it off the bottom. But, it can still be found on the Teams page, and its content can still be found via search, so that it remains useful for future reference. 
  • Close Conversation - Closing a conversation will remove it from the left pane,but will not delete the contents.
Hi Sandy - to clarify - are you looking to delete a 1-1 conversation or a group/team conversation?

If it's a 1-1 conversation you are right there is no way to delete/clear it all in one action.  This is something we're contemplating on addressing in the future.

If it's a group/team conversation those can be deleted by the team administrator as referenced above.

Can you please clarify what you meant by "Delete" above for us per the above? Many thanks.


Looking to delete a 1-1 conversation. Appreciate the input and getting back so quickly.

Great, thanks for clarifying.  We will look into it!  
The ability to delete 1-to-1 conversations would be extremely useful.  Is it possible for the Admin to delete 1-to-1 conversations?

Any enhancement planned to allow users to delete all chat messages, groups they are in from their glip app?

We want to delete 1-to-1 conversations. When will RingCentral implement that feature? Thank you.

The ability to delete all the chat history (conversations) for a 1-1 chat or a team is desperately needed.

I know you can delete all chat history for an extension by deleting a user account and then reassigning that extension to another user account but that seems overall complicated. What if you don't want to remove the user account but do want to clear your chat ?

A simple button in the '...' menu for a team (accessible only by the Team admin or 'Super admin') or in the case of a one-to-one chat a button each user can use to remove their own chat contributions would be all that is needed.
