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Members show as Guests

  • 21 January 2022
  • 5 replies

I have 3 users (Members) who show up as Guests when they message each other. I haven't been able to get any info out of Support except that it has been escalated and that someone will get back to me. Does anyone have any insight here?



Hello Marvin,

I suspect those 3 users may be signed in with a Freyja account. (A free personal account.)

Have you had them sign out and sign back in using their company credentials?

Thanks Amber. But that is not it. I signed in as them with their company credentials and it still shows that way. But ONLY when they message each other. They show up fine as Members to the other 70 people in the company.

I see now they put the ticket on "PKI Hold". Apparently that stands for Product Known Issue. And they do that when they have to come up with a fix. I guess It will be in limbo for a while. I remember last year we pointed out a time zone problem and that was on PKI Hold for several months before they fixed it.

Thank you for the update! Sounds like something is in the works, at least.

We are experiencing the same issue.
