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Auto Schedule Debrief Call as a Follow-up Meeting to a Meeting as Original Meeting Ends

  • 22 October 2020
  • 2 replies

Here is a feature that I would love to see. The Why: When a meeting ends, many times you need to grab a few key people and do an immediate debrief meeting or debrief call (no video). Yes as host I could wait til certain people hopped off and say, the following people hang on, but occasionally you want that to be anonymous. I could go to my personal room, invite people, and send, but there should be a WAY easier method.
For example: During the main meeting creation, a check box "Schedule Follow-Up Call for Debrief". You can set as phone call or video meeting. Either pre-invite people to it to block time, or option to wait and see attendees list. Many times people get invited or don't make meetings.
You host the meeting, it has video, recording, customers, etc. You want to end the meeting and cease all recording and then immediately flip to the follow-up meeting with restricted attendees.
When I hit "end meeting", if pre-scheduled, a new meeting immediately launches with just the people I selected. Or if not pre-scheduled, I get a prompt saying "Schedule Follow-Up Call" and it shows me the list of attendees and no-shows. I can click names or add emails, pick a time, immediate or delayed for pottie break, and then hit schedule and it just happens. This would be instead of me going and scheduling a who new meeting, retyping the subject, adding people, remembering who was in the first one, etc. Should be a way easier method to schedule a follow-up call or meeting to a meeting

2 replies

Hello @Jim Koenig, thanks for this idea, this will help a lot of clients like you. I would highly suggest posting it in our idea hub (click HERE), and I will share this with our Product Managers. Thank you!

Thanks Jenn, i added it to the hub too
