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Can I upgrade a currently scheduled webinar from 100 to 500 attendees?

  • 14 July 2022
  • 3 replies

I currently have a webinar scheduled that 157 people have registered for. However, our plan only allows 100 attendees. Am I able to upgrade the plan to 500 attendees so that everyone can join while NOT having to reschedule and re-invite all 157 webinars to a new webinar?

3 replies

not an API question so moving to 'User Community'

Userlevel 4

So long as you update the host's license before you actually start the webinar, it should be OK. It may take some time to catch up with the license, so upgrading it 24 hours ahead of time is best.

Thanks! We just unassigned the 100 webinar license and assigned the 500 webinar license and it appears to have worked perfectly.
