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"Invalid Token" when joining meeting from Outlook link

  • 23 May 2019
  • 2 replies

In the last two weeks we've started seeing more and more "invalid token" errors when trying to join RingCentral meetings from links in Outlook. I apologize that I don't have a screenshot but has anyone else run into this?

In Chrome it generally says "Invalid Token" and IE it seems to say "Frame Error". We run safelinks so I thought it was related to that but we've since bypassed safelinks for RingCentral links and it's still occurring.

Has anyone else run into this? The IE frame error leads me to believe it could be related to the "mixed content" setting in IE (as Chrome inherits this setting from IE) but this isn't a feature we actively manage and we aren't seeing any changes with any other services.

2 replies

Hey James, 

Support has got a couple of these reports the last week. They advised to clear your browser cache, as it has been resolving the issue for others :) 
I find this most often happens in Chrome.  We have been advising our users to use another browser for the links reporting that error.
