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RC Meetings completely fail for some attendees

  • 2 December 2018
  • 3 replies

1. US 2. 07913904 3. I'm a new RC customer. Switched meetings from GTM and didnt have this problem on GTM. Some of my coworkers are reporting that some of their Meetings attendees are not able to join from their corporate PCs. They click the join link, browser opens and downloads RCMeetings, they are sometimes prompted to input name as usual, but at this point the process fails with no errors, it just quits on them, just nothing. On the host side however they see the attendee in their attendee list. The attendee can not hear or see anything. The app never fully opened for them. Dialing in does work. I think what's happening is these attendees are all customers of ours or prospects and they are all banks or financial institutions with strict network and/ or endpoint firewall rules, and RC is not whitelisted. We did not have this problem with GTM. Wondering if anybody else has seen this. I'm going to try to get more info from coworkers this week. RC Support this past week said they escalated this case to tier 2. They also said there has been some kind of similarly sounding issue with some RC customers of attendees not able to join meetings. I couldn't get a great idea if the issues were related, not sure. Any info out there would be great. Thanks. 5. Latest 6. Around 10

3 replies

Hi Ben, 

It looks like you're on the right track with partnering with Tier 2. I would continue on this path as your situation is a little more complex, and will require live troubleshooting assistance. 
I've thought of 2 workarounds.
1. Download Zoom Meetings application > input RC Meetngs ID #. 
2. I enabled in Admin > Tools > Meetings settings > "Show a 'join from your browser' link" for all my users. This displays a URL link within the "Launching" phase of the meeting opening up from browser after the attendee clicks the join link. The URL says "start from your browser". The limitation for the attendee is they must dial in and cannot use computer audio, and they cannot share screen. What's the status on enabling these features from browser @Jessica?

Support still hasn't escalated to tier 2... 

Just a follow up from my last post 3 months ago.

We found the root cause to be needing to be white listed in the attendees firewall rules. If they don't have this white listed in their corporate environment they won't be able to join the meeting over the RC Meetings app or via browser. Simple as that.

This forum post is listed as answered but it's not resolved and won't be fully resolved until the RC Meetings platform stops having to dial back home to It would probably be better even if it dialed back to Zoom rather than RC, because we've found most of our customer's unable to join our RC meetings uses Zoom or has it white listed, not RC.

I was never able to get resolution from support. I found they were never really able to fully understand the root issue and offered various other potential fixes that didn't help. Product people I was put in touch with weren't able to help either.

I was quiet last few months because we've been busy migrating our meetings platform on MS Teams, which so far has been great. We don't have attendee joining issues because, for the most part, everyone has MS URLs/domains white listed in their corp network environment, either because they already use it, or enough people they deal with use it.
