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RC Meetings Scheduled in Outlook Appearing Blank in Gmail

  • 15 November 2019
  • 2 replies

Some users are using Outlook with RC Meetings Plugin and G Suite Sync to create RC Meetings. We have noticed that when a meeting is created inside of outlook and gets sent to the proper invitees. The message invite that appears in the recipients Gmail Inbox appears blank. The only thing attached is a .ics file attachment. We realize that the invite gets added to the recipients Google calendar but would like there to be a direct link to join the meeting inside the body of the initial invite (this was the functionality in the past). I believe an update for some app (windows, RC meetings, outlook?) may have broken this functionality.

I have tried numerous things such as reinstalling all applications. Trying on a fresh install of windows, going through RC support and Google support and nobody can seem to aid in this issue.

Again, when we create RC Meetings from Outlook those invites sent to Gmail are appearing blank in the email . Essentially it is a blank email with a .ics file attached and we would like there to be a clickable meeting link in the email without having to go through the Calendar.

Can anyone provide any assistance ?

2 replies

Hi Kevin, 

Could you please add more details and screenshots (or even better, a screencast) of the issue you are facing? Please be sure to capture the details of the versions of: 
  • OS
  • RingCentral Meetings
  • Outlook plugin
  • Gsuite Sync
It might be a GSuite Sync change that broke this too. 
Hello Samudra, 
  -The OS I am using is Windows 10 Pro Version 1909 Build 18363.476. But issue also occurs on       new installs of Windows and also on Mac as well. 

-RingCentral Meetings Version: 7.0.22441.0715
-Outlook Plugin Version: 7.0.58287
-Gsuite Sync:

The first picture shows the Meeting created in Outlook using the RC plugin. Notice how the Meeting join info is filled out in the body of the invite. We would like to preserve this formatting when it gets sent over to Gmail. 

This second picture shows the same invite opened in the recipients Gmail inbox. Noticed how the meeting join info formatting has been stripped away and now all that appears is a blank email with a invite.ics calendar attachment. The invite does get added to the recipients Google Calendar, but the functionality before was that the meeting join info along with clickable links were included in the body of the invite email. This has caused users to become confused because there is nowhere to click to join the meeting and they have to go through Google Calendar which was not how it worked before. 

Any insights on this would be appreciated, Thanks!
