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"Share your screen" dropping while on RCV meetings (Not RC Meetings)

  • 3 June 2020
  • 0 replies


Is anyone else experiencing drops of the Share your screen while in RC Video meetings? We are using Citrix on top of Windows Server 2016 RDS and using Google Chrome as the client for RC Video and all of our users are experiencing issues where the Share your screen will just stop sharing during the meeting. The callers/viewers all stay connected, just the screen share stops. The user can click Share you screen and start it right back up again, but most will experience the screen sharing dropping/stopping 1 to 5 times during a 30 minute meeting.

We have been unable to determine what the cause is, through testing we are starting to think it has something to do with Windows Remote Desktop Services (RDS).

Key note we are using RC Video not RC Meetings. We aren't using cameras or microphones, just hosting the RCV meetings and using the Share your screen function.

Anyone else having similar issues or have any insight to share?

Thank you

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