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One of our users is planning on conducting multi-hour interview that will involve multiple interviewers. She is the host and will start the meeting. After 30 minutes the next interviewer will login to the meeting and start. Is it possible for the host to leave the meeting without ending the meeting?
Hi Jeffrey,

I hope you are having an excellent day. Yes you can do it and it is fairly simple. You can look at this help file to find the answers you seek (

Just a bit of information though. If the person who coordinated the meeting transfers host to another user and then leaves the meeting they need to be mindful to not start another meeting with their account. We have found that this will kick the users out of the already existing meeting or they will receive notification that they cannot start another meeting.

Best of Luck,
Dennis Kyle
Positive Results (RingCentral Partner)
Thank you Dennis. This was a big help!

"Just a bit of information though. If the person who coordinated the meeting transfers host to another user and then leaves the meeting they need to be mindful to not start another meeting with their account. We have found that this will kick the users out of the already existing meeting or they will receive notification that they cannot start another meeting."

Will this ever be fixed? I facilitate quite a few back to back meetings throughout my days as a Project Manager and it's quite frustrating when not using my Personal Room ID, that even when I assign a co-host, leave, and start my next meeting, it closes out the first meeting. This is irritating when having a team huddle where the team wants to finish discussing an item and I have to hop to another meeting. They then have to rejoin or recreate their own new meeting. It would make sense if using your personal room ID in this manner, but separate room links really shouldn't do this. Other communication programs I've used in the past have not seemed to have this issue.

Not to bump this old thread, but I am noting this here because I was looking up this exact issue.

Hey, @Conner Kay - thanks for bumping the thread.
We have an idea for this in the Ideas Portal. Please add your vote and any other details in the comments.

@Becky-Community_Manager, I have completed your ask. Thanks.
