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Since Ring Central has discontinued their meeting app and the plug-in for Outlook is no longer valid, there appears to be no way to schedule meeting and have them populate your Outlook calendar. I have contacted Ring Central multiple times and they insist this is still possible and uneducated people are sending me links to Outlook 365. I am trying to educate the Ring Central employees that this information is useless and thousands of their customers do not have Outlook 365, but there seems to be no understanding that by discontinuing this plug in they are eliminating a service we are paying for.

I would like someone from Ring Central to contact me to show me how it is still possible to schedule a meeing through Outlook since I am getting nothing but incorrect information from the tech support staff.

Just spoke with them this morning about this. I lost the ability to send the meeting invite through outlook when I uninstalled the RC Meetings app on my desktop.

I reinstalled the RC Meetings app on my desktop and found the RingCentral Meetings Outlook Plugin I had downloaded months ago and reinstalled. (you can't find the program on their website anymore. it directs you to RingCentral Scheduler for Outlook...)

Works just fine for me now. but who knows for how long?????
