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RC Video invite takes invited guest to a webpage that forces to install Ringcentral app page. I am using the link straight from the video meeting.. I thought Ringcentral Video was supposed to open straight into a web browser without the use of an app??!! What am I doing wrong?

Here is a link where you can find to join the video from link without installing anything

Hope this help

Good morning! Exactly what I was doing - however, instead of the webpage that says to enter your name and click join meeting - a webpage comes up that only gives the option to install the app. Some devices go to the correct join meeting webpage with the same link - but others do not. I am looking for 'that' solution - troubleshooting why some devices are not going to the 'join meeting' website with the link from the meeting. Thanks for taking the time to help!

Hi @sherri-whitehead, can you ask for a screenshot of the exact prompt they're getting?
