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I've been getting a lot of issues with RingCentral Meetings crashing on users when someone in a meeting shares their screen. The app closes itself and they have to log back into the meeting. This issue is only affecting users who have a newer Surface laptop 3 or surface laptop 4, but it persists through uninstalling/reinstalling the app, running repairs, everything that I've tried.

Josh, Haven't heard about this specific issue, but we'll check in with our support team and see if this is popping up for anyone else.

In the meantime, we might recommend opening a support case - if this is a known issue, Support may be working on it and could use your feedback/experience to assist in correcting the issue.

I am still having this same issue. I reached out to support May 25th and received a canned response "The issue that you have reported in this ticket is related to a Known Issue we currently have in our system."

It is happening across older and newer Dell and HP laptops, all freshly imaged and current drivers and windows updates. It very frustrating to have 15+ users reach out daily to have this app re-installed to a older 19v that is stable, only to have the app auto-update the next day and start this process over again.

I see posts on this board from May 2019 of people reporting this same issue. 2 years of an unusable product is unacceptable and I cannot wait for our organization to move away from the entire RC ecosystem.

I was told that the .msi version of the installer you can block auto-updates, but was not given access to a older version as a .msi.

This has happened so many times within my organization as well. After providing details for a slew of meetings where this occurred, your product support said my case was being closed with a status of 'unknown product defect'. I agree with Jon, I cannot wait for my organization to move to a different provider.

By the way I have found a work-around for this issue. If you go into RingCentral Meetings, Go into Video settings, then go into Advanced settings, you have to switch the codec from DirectX 11 to DirectX 9. That will stop the crashing from happening.

This has worked on our tests so far, thanks for the response. The memory dumps were pointing to a video driver issue so its good to know there is a work around for now.
