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When having users join a Ring Central meeting on Mac OS X El Capitan and Mavericks, they are first required to download and install your plug-in/app. This is perfectly normal and doesn't, by itself, cause a problem; but when trying to install the plug-in, OS X pops up with a security prompt saying that the app is from an Unknown developer and asks them to go into their settings and change the security setting.

This is a big inconvenience because it's a little off putting if we are trying to do a screen share with a client during a sales call and we need them to turn off security settings, and its a big inconvenience for the client when it should be an otherwise painless process.

I've seen the idea of a browser plug-in in other posts, but at the very least can't we have something that doesn't require administrator privileges and doesn't require changing operating system settings?


The behavior you have observed is due to how your client has their Mac configured. This particular scenario you mentioned is a security feature of OS X, and can actually be overridden rather easily. Here is a link to a couple of ways to work around this specific safeguard that your clients have put into place on their machines. 

It is important to note that we cannot control how the end user has their Mac setup. In addition, we cannot govern how an operating system such as OS X will handle the installation of software, nor can we override these security features. Many times you will find that computers have these types of features put into place by their administrators, and we simply have no control over their actions or protocols. This is going to be the case for a great deal of software out there today. 

Going forward, I would recommend setting the expectation with your clients that RingCentral Meetings is a quick install, and that there may be a need to override these types of safeguards in order to do so. If they have ever installed software on their machine before, this process should be expected and easily navigated.

As far as future products and plug-ins are concerned, we do have some exciting things in the works, and have been taking client feedback into consideration for new tools - stay tuned on that front!


Derrick Bozkurt
Tier III Engineer
Or... you could just post the Ring Central Meeting App to the Mac App Store?
Masking a poor user experience with technical excuses isn't solving the problem. The default settings on OSX are to protect Mac's against unrecognised developers. If you can't use the App Store as you decided to support OSX with a proprietary means of software update at least have the application signed as a registered developer.
Again yesterday I had another call where RC provided voice, reverting to for visuals because not all participants could install your OSX plug-in. Another unproductive 10 minutes of awkward apologies, codes and links exchanged at the beginning of the meeting.  It's not a great ad for your service, each client/vendor I speak with is a potential customer for you. If Webex, GoToMeeting, Join.Me, and even AT&T Connect can adhere to basic development standards, why can't you? It should be noted at pre-sale that the actual user experience prohibits real world usage of the tool on OSX with external parties.


While a great tool, the app store is limited in that it cannot manage updates across our user base in the specific manner that is necessary. Therefore, we do not currently rely on the app store for distribution at this time. 

Derrick Bozkurt
Tier III Engineer

I am getting an unidentified developer message just like this thread from four years ago and it appears RingCentral still isn't signed up as an identified developer with Apple. Is RingCentral still recommending all Mac users bypass Apple's excellent gatekeeper system and trust that the code from your website hasn't been hacked?


Thank you for the feedback and sharing your experience with the software so far. We are constantly working to improve the product and customer workflow with these tools, and are taking your suggestions into consideration going forward.

In the meantime, please keep the aforementioned resources and workarounds in mind, as the end user's Mac can still be configured to require admin privileges when installing software from registered developers. 

Derrick Bozkurt
Tier III Engineer
