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Calls are not going to my care agents , sitting in the que or going to voice mail.,Calls sitting in the que and not being pushed to agents.

  • 20 April 2021
  • 2 replies

We are having to jump in and out of the ring central que all day long because it does not think we are live, and people are waiting in the que or they are sending themselves into our voice mail system. I need to know why. I actually sat on hold for 4 minutes while all of my team members were not on calls and had not had any calls and then it finally registered to send it to one of their phones. This has been going on for several months now, and I don’t know what to do


We are having to jump in and out of the ring central que all day long because it does not think we are live, and people are waiting in the que or they are sending themselves into our voice mail system. I need to know why. I actually sat on hold for 4 minutes while all of my team members were not on calls and had not had any calls and then it finally registered to send it to one of them. This has been going on for several months now, and I don’t know what to do

Hi @Serena Corby, please check this KB Article for troubleshooting Call Queue Issues. Let us know if this is still unresolved after the directions.

@Customer Service

This was not helpful, and we have to toggle in and out of the que all day to get phone calls t come to us. It is annoying, our customers are getting very upset that we are not answering the phones and they have to go into voice mail. I get three or four voice mails right in a row, so that is when I have everyone toggle in and out of the que to reset!!

How can we fix this???
