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How do we create a sample call recording in the sandbox?

  • 28 February 2024
  • 4 replies

The instructions on the support page for "How to create a call recording for testing in sandbox" do not seem to be correct. The steps outlined specifically the section "How to create a call recording for testing in sandbox" don't match the actual sandbox interface.
Also, I thought we were not able to make external calls from the sandbox.

If anyone has any insight it would be great!

Thank you


4 replies

Userlevel 2

Check this out.

Thanks Phong, but my question is how to RECORD a call in ur sandbox so we can test the AI endpoints and Recording URI.
Since it seems like our Sandbox doesn't allow us to make External calls, only between two user's extentions. And it seems like we cannot record internal calls, only external.

I was wondering if there is something I am missing.

You mentioned: you may need to login your sandbox service web and add direct number to the user extension." Can you explain how we add a direct number to a user? Would that allow to make external calls?

Thank you!

Userlevel 2

In order to make test calls and to record a call in your sandbox account, you must setup a user with a digital line (assign a phone number and a device for the user). You can login your sandbox account admin portal (, select a user and select the Devices & Numbers tab and add a phone for the that user. If you give me your sandbox account’s main company number, I can help you setup faster.

But your ultimate goal is to try the AI API. Unfortunately the AI APIs does not work in sandbox environment. You will need to have a production account to be able to call AI APIs.

Hey Phong Vu, I really appreciate you offering to help. One of our goals is to test the AI but I'm also experimenting with how to grab that recording link and post it in a CRM for the users to listen to it. So it would be helpful to get some recordings in our Sandbox.
I tried to add a Phone number following the steps you mentioned but I get an error every time. See screenshot.
Ou sandbox Main Number is: (929) 473-2872 if you could help would be amazing.
Thank you so much!

