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RingCentral for Google Chrome Extension - Our users can't hear other caller/party

  • 23 July 2021
  • 2 replies

Over the last week or so we've been experiencing an issue with the RingCentral Google Chrome extension.

Calls will connect successfully and the person on the other end can hear us but we won't be able to hear the caller on the other end.

This seems to be happening to more and more of our users. We've checked our audio settings, the dial out setting and the Google Chrome permissions and everything seems to be all set. All other audio on the workstation & browser seems to work fine.

We'd prefer not to switch to the Desktop App because in interrupts our workflows and requires a separate application install.

Have you experienced this? Are there any workarounds other than restarting Google Chrome as recommended in the item below:


2 replies

RingCentral chrome extension is not powerful as desktop application and lightweight with minimum features. You cannot expect smooth functioning like application since it is browser based and have few issues.

You can either log your issues here:

or can contact RC support team to help you

Also have been having this problem...

It seems like this was happening with the Beta ver of chrome about a month ago. So I would say that the new ver of chrome got released and is still a bug in the stable ver. The temp workaround is to uninstall the app and reinstall it but that only lasts 4 or so calls before the problem shows up again.

Happening for both Mac and Chromeboxes.

This issue should be bumped so RC team can fix it.
