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Hi. I've looked everywhere for this, but have been unable to dig anything up for this. I would like to create a smart incoming call router using the RC APIs. If a client called in our standard App Call number line, this 'router' would bump up the incoming phone number against our own CRM, find their assigned user and directly route the call to their phone. Likewise, if no match was found, it would send an 'invite' to available users, the first to take the cake would have the call routed to them.

I see documentation on using the desktop softphone app to launch an website or application after the call. I'm talking about before it even connects to one of my team members.

Is there any documentation around call routing via the API/SDK use?


Hi Brandon,

Depending on how many contacts you have in your CRM, you can load them in to RingCentral's call handling rules using the Answering Rule API. This way users will be routed to the right user. If a user is not found, you can send the call to a queue or forwarding group.!#RefUpdateAnsweringRule

We don't have the ability of looking up a number dynamically yet but this is something we are looking into.
Thanks for the info John. I'd be interesting to have something like that in place. RC reach out to a company webservice, and the webservice would return an extension to route the call too. These answering rules might be able to work with what I'm trying to accomplish, just an added layer of difficulty needing to be a step ahead of clients potentially calling in. You said 'depending on how many'... what is the cap or max allowed for these answering rules?

Following back up to this... after 2 years, it appears that RC has created some awesome endpoints to leverage for this. More specific to this situation, `CallControl` - Forward Call Party.

Build out process to be like this:
1. Web server app that listens to notification events to your main company line account/extension. Could be serverless with AWS, or using Heroku, or anything that can be hit via http.
2. Subscribe via WebHook presence telephony events.
3. When an incoming call comes in to the webhook... your app does magic to route to a specific person
4. Once found... using the `CallControl` - Forward Call Party. endpoint/request to route the call.
5. Celebrate... because that was easy.
