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I cannot pass graduation req even i hit all required endpoints. Can you check whats wrong please?


These endpoints for last 24h



Please anybody can help with this?

My app name (sandbox):

  • CPC Embed Phone
  • u2zzaPg1QV22lwT7tO-aXQ

Now some new endpoints added not sure why, not sure how to test them?

  • - telephony/sessions
  • - telephony/sessions/parties
  • - telephony/sessions/parties/reject

I can help to quickly move your app to production if it is a private app. Do you really need it as a public app?

Thank you 🙂 I need this to use embeddable widget on my closed CRM.

It is great that you have made it production. For other people to graduate public app, you can follow the document:
From screenshot, the media/message-store, it requires that you play voice mail or fax 5 time+ at sandbox env.

Call Control is about control calls in other devices.

For RingOut mode, user need to change calling mode into RingOut to make 5 calls for graduation.

It would be good if you add this media/message-store (play voice mail for 5 times) to Graduation req. in github instructions. thank you :)
