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Sandbox Users profiles won't let me add user address, it fails every time.

  • 2 October 2022
  • 1 reply

Well it the title says it all I wanted to play with the API in the sandbox before deploying live like any sane person to start pulling call recordings. Well when I was setting up the Oauth and it was a pain but I got to work up, until it asked me to add an address for the sandbox profile. Every time I tried to add the address from the Oauth window it kept telling me it failed to try again later. I thought no big deal I will just add it from the user profile and well what do you know that didn't work either. I than made a new extension with a new number and email to see if it was just the account that was messed up, but again no dice same problems all the way down. I even tried using three different browser to see if anything would change but no dice (not like that really matters everything is chrome based. I am wondering if anyone else has had this problem, did I miss something really simple that I am clearly over looking, or should I kill the sandbox and try spinning up a new one?

Any tips at all would be great!

It is a known issue for new sandbox accounts. The issue has been reported and I hope that the team will fix it soon.

Meanwhile, please follow my instruction as a work around solution for this from this thread.
