I am trying to test the CallOut API in a new app I'm developing. I've gotten pretty far. I have installed the RC Phone and can call into that phone with the sandbox account phone number.
So back to my app, I need to get the deviceId of that RC Phone. To get the deviceId, I need the extensionId. So I've called the GetExtensionList and I do get the info on my one sandbox extension. I don't see an extensionId. Given some of the other posts I've read and the urls that are shown on the api calls, I see them using the accountId as the extensionId.
So, I've called GetDevice with https://platform.devtest.ringcentral.com/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/device and I've also tried with accountId in both places instead of the tilde. No matter what I try, the records value in the response is empty.
What am I doing wrong it trying to get the device to target? Any help would be greatly appreciated!