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Unable to authenticate to API in production but can in sandbox

  • 27 August 2021
  • 2 replies

I've created an API to allow me to read call logs and I can connect to the sandbox version and make the call great.

I have satisfied the requirements to promote/graduate to production and have production version. I amend my code to use the production ClientId & Secret, the the restclient Production parameter to true & I use the production username but receive following 400:

Content: {

"error" : "invalid_grant",

"errors" : [ {

"errorCode" : "OAU-140",

"message" : "Invalid resource owner credentials"

} ],

"error_description" : "Invalid resource owner credentials"


The only difference I can make out is the Password doesn't show "Active" but I'm unable to Reset password.


Can anyone advise?


"Invalid resource owner credentials" means username or password is wrong. In theory, as long as you can login , you should also be able to get a token.


Thanks @Anirban , I am unable to "Reset Password" for my Production platform app. I believe this is my problem? I click "Reset Password" but am not presented with a form to amend the password, simply a message that a confirmation mail is sent to my admin email?
