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Fax: Deliver fax to multiple extension users (or e-mail address)

  • 28 August 2015
  • 6 replies

I would like to be able to designate more than one extension to receive faxes (ideally in the "Deliver faxes to:" settings area)

As it currently stands, only one extension can receive and VIEW incoming faxes.  This is not efficient, as the onus is now on one person to read and later disseminate faxes as necessary.

In a physical office situation, with a physical fax machine, an incoming fax can be viewed and read by multiple people.  Why can't we achieve this in RingCentral?

Appreciate your help!

6 replies

In the notification section of the extension you can enter more than one email address so that the single fax can be sent and read by multiple people, just separate them with a semicolon.. For example, enter;;    etc.
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Can multiple email addresses receive notifications of received faxes?. I would like to have several different staff members receive notification of an incoming fax. Can this be set up that way?
This is a must have feature!
Agreed! We're struggling without this feature.
We accomplished this by directing FAX and Voicemails to a shared mailbox, and then giving those that need access to that mailbox.
If you add other email addresses, won't they also receive all of the user's voicemails and texts?
