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Feature Request: Saving a record of text messages

  • 28 October 2020
  • 3 replies

Need to have the ability to save entire text / SMS conversations.

As a business, I need to be able to record entire conversations that I have with my customers. Heck, I'd be happy with being able to go to the web app, click a few buttons and save each conversation of interest manually and separately. But even this simple work around isn't there.

3 replies

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The request will be reviewed by the product team for consideration.

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Thank you, that is NOT the link or article I had been given by support. The one I had been given said to post in community (and gave instructions for doing so that didn't work) <Sigh>

How is it that I cannot copy an entire text chain and save it somehow on my computer and to CRM (Needles Notes)??!!
