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This information does not help because this does not work. When you go into schedule for someone else (who you have permission to schedule for), the name is not there, or you click on the name but the wrong name gets scheduled instead of the name you clicked on. Some names don't even show up as real names. They show up as random numbers. We will have to use Zoom now instead of Ringcentral, because this problem is causing so much trouble. Note: This conversation was created from a reply on: How Do I Schedule a RingCentral Meeting on Behalf of Someone?.

Hi Jerika,

Could you provide more information?

What version of RingCentral Meetings are you on?

Can you provide screen shots of these issues?
I'm using the most up to date version of meetings for PC according to the app and every support person I've spoken with. This is also happening to everyone else in my company (half of them are using apple, half pc's).

Several of the people in my ringcentral users list are not on this list. Several people that should not be on this list (because they are no longer users) are on the list. Several people are listed as numbers and letters instead of real names. The names that are on the list can't even be trusted, because when I try to schedule for those people, somebody else's name gets scheduled instead (click on schedule for: Caroline, and get Brooks when the calendar event opens). This happens when I sign in with ringcentral as well as with google. The support team told me that it is an ongoing problem that they are working on. They don't seem to be working very hard on it though since one update has already come and gone and nothing was changed.
Are there any official updates or releases to resolve the schedule on behalf of? We've been experiencing major issues when our Executive Admins try to schedule calls for the Executive team members, essentially rendering Ring Central meetings non-functional for us with our GSuite. 
