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Silence, gap for caller after Company Greeting Played.

  • 27 November 2019
  • 2 replies


2) Case: 09682777


We are looking at the following call flow.

Call rings through <COMPANY GREETING PLAYED>

Rings #301 receptionist extension

(If receptionist cannot answer or away from desk divert to <CALL QUEUE>.

nb we don't want menus as we want a personalised service, and have older clients that can struggle with the menu options.

ISSUE - After playing the company greeting in the above scenario Ring Central leaves a long silence before ringing the receptionist. The caller is confused as the line goes dead for 12 seconds.

It appears Ring central is pausing for a telephone button to be pressed if a menu has been used.

Proposed Solution :-

Change the behaviour so that if no menu options are present REMOVE the gap waiting for a the response.

Currently we are using the work around of having it forwarded to the main receptionist number and having the company greeting on her transfer prompt. However this causes this issues

a) The main receptionist if off / at launch cannot divert to the call queue without loosing the company greeting.

b) Internal transfers a greeted by the company greeting rather than the extension line.

c) Editing the company greeting or changing the message for special holidays becomes a challenge as its not in the expected location (Don't use the company greeting, but amend extension 301).

4) Previous troubleshooting steps - kept explaining issue 10 times on and off since implementation and informed the developers are aware but no feedback. Every time the above workaround is offered and attempted, but without acknowledging the issues above.

5) Platform issue.

6) Affecting whole company.

Community forum seems to have this issue listed under different symptoms as its hard to describe. Other linked results with about 2 minutes searching...

I recall discovering this when we first migrated to RingCentral. We reported the issue, the same way you had, and after some research on the forums, we found that there's no fix or plan to fix. Our silence/gap time is about 7 seconds, so short than yours, but it's still incredibly annoying to our customers.

Ultimately, RC seems aware of the issue, and can confirm it exists by calling any of the customers experiencing it, but there isn't a fix or planned fix from what I've been told.
Thanks Cody for your insight.   This should be a quick win for them and (if I'm anything to go by) save themselves a fortune in support time as I have explained this to a least 7 different people by now - no one really seems to raise it up and developers report back and see its intended behaviour.  
