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Announcement-Only extension for a department

  • 31 August 2023
  • 3 replies

Creating the Ann-only ext is trivial enough, but I'm having a lot of trouble getting this extension available to the department who needs to use and update the announcement.
I added the user's email. The user has a regular RC account. He can log into the Ann-only line ONCE when the line is created and needs activated, but then never sees it again in his regular account. Shouldn't it show up as a drop-down, similar to call queue management?

Hi @john-oliphant, may I know which drop-down area are you referring to?

capture.jpgI think you are referring to this drop down menu at the top right corner in the admin portal. In short - it is not possible to view Ann only ext there. You have several good options

1- a user from said department who has Admin access can edit the ext. by going to Phone System > Groups > Ann only ext... (or at least Phone System admin)

2 - A standard user can log in the admin portal using the following credentials instead of email + pwd
- Company Main number
- Ext number of the Ann only ext
- password

3 - Sounds a bit weird to constantly be changing the Ann only ext. It might be possible to create several Ann only ext. and set up different call handling rules for them. Set it and forget it. If you explain a bit more about the way you are using the Ann only rules, I could try to recommend an alternative. Of course, it might be the case that having someone edit the Ann only ext is the best way for you.

Yep, that's the one. My use case is a jury announcement..."show up at 8:30 am tomorrow, or don't" kind of thing that gets set late the previous day. We also use them so callers can learn about event updates.
I can help departments re-record the message but it would be easier if they could do it themselves.

--Sorry about the reply delay, I didn't get any alert that there was a reply.
