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Customer for over 8 years. Trying to update expired card on file. Super simple right?


I keep getting this error
We were not able to verify your billing information. Please confirm that the billing information is correct or provide new billing information. If you are experiencing difficulty, please contact customer service at 1-800-591-6543.

I've call my bank and credit card company. Both say the card is fine. Since then I've tried 3 other cards, all experiencing the same error and all functional.

Billing chat agent asked me to call. First billing agent over the phone says there's a fraud call my bank...even though I've told them I have. Next agent hang up on me. Last agent puts me on hold for 30+ minutes now.

I don't get it.

On top of that, they cut off our phones! 15 people sitting there for hours now. Who will be paying for all this downtime? They know there's issues with their billing system and they cut us off??

No urgency from anyone. No supervisors are available to help.


@Jason Wright I'm looking into this.
Please shoot us an email to keep the conversation going as we work to escalate.


Apologies for bumping an old thread but I am having the exact same issue. Customer for many years now, payment card has expired, trying to add a new payment method and keep getting a generic error message each time.


I have tried various payment cards with different banks and have the same issue. I contacted Ring Central support a couple of times and each time they would claim that the issue is our cards being blocked by the respective banks. I have contacted both banks and they say that there is no record of any attempted transaction being made. In any case, both banks would send prompts to my phone should we wish to make a transaction to a new recipient.


The only thing I have been able to successfully do is move our payment method from credit card to direct debit. This is fine for future bills, but RingCentral states that the outstanding balance can’t be cleared via direct debit.


So I am now stuck with an outstanding balance, of which Ring Central’s system is refusing to accept a payment for, and the risk of our phone lines being disabled, all while receiving next to no support from Ring Central. It’s as if they’re telling you to move to an alternative supplier.
