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Analytics Report differences

  • 29 November 2022
  • 3 replies

I am trying to understand the true number of calls coming inbound and being answered in our call queues.

I use the Performance Report, and Queues tab, select the queue I want to look at, the date and KPIs, and get a total inbound and abandonment rate. For example, 695 is the number in the inbound KPI on the dashboard.

I then look below at the detail to get to the "user" level. This brings up the users within the queue and the inbound number now says 271. I confirmed these users are those assigned in the queue by double-checking the admin portal and setup. Where did the other inbound calls go?

I then narrow the report to the "calls" level with my queue selected in the filters. I now have 263 as my inbound number.

I then look at the Quality Report and select the location to see if there is a number that makes sense for inbound volume, and searching by just the location, I now see 315 calls are counted as "inbound".

I have searched through the guides, the help feature, and the videos. I looked through this platform for similar questions and found some from 2020 but no explained steps on why or what to do differently.

This data is critical to operations and I need to have an understanding of how to use and then trust the data I am pulling.

I have a document with screen grabs of every report if that is helpful.

The example I provided in my initial message was for the day prior, so "yesterday" in the performance report. I have included my screenshots and some answers to your questions in the document.Analytics Report Example from 11.28.22- Primary Health Care.docx.pdf

The Data Metrics meant to evaluate the performance of those taking initial inbound calls to our clinics (like the reception/registration person at a doctor's office), are all set up in a queue system for the main number into the clinic.

Inbound Queue line Goals by each medical and dental clinic (9 total clinics on the phone system now) Goals:

  • Abandonment rate <10%
  • Avg Speed to Answer <1 minute
  • Longest Wait Time <5min
  • # inbound
  • # of Holds <90/day
  • # abandoned on hold <3/day

Appreciate any advise you have to offer.

You CAN'T 😃 use PR>Users and PR>Calls, because these don't capture the abandoned calls at all. You got 2 options which will get the info you are looking for.
1. PR > Queue ... you seem to be familiar with it

2. LOB Analytics > Create widget > Table ... you haven't mentioned LOB so far, but it is basically the place where you can build the report from scratch... highly customizable.

- for rows select "queues"
- for columns select these

  • Abandonment rate <10%
    Columns > Result > Abandonment > Cogwheel > choose % instead of Sum.
  • Avg Speed to Answer <1 minute
    Columns > Call Segment > Ringing > Cogwheel > choose Avg. instead of Sum. and choose Date range instead of Daily
  • Longest Wait Time <5min
    Columns > Call Segment > Ringing > Cogwheel > choose Max instead of Sum. and choose Date range instead of Daily
  • # inbound
    Columns > Total Calls
  • # of Holds <90/day
    Columns > Actions > Holds on
  • # abandoned on hold <3/day
    Not possible I think :D

These 2 will give you 99.9% identical result and this is the correct data you are looking for. There are still slight differences in the formulas used by LOB and PR but they're literally going to be insignificant if at all there.

The benefit of LOB is that you are able to get some of these KPIs also on the user level... for example you could get KPIs for each of the 10 members of ESC English. Following KPIs are possible on the individual user level:
Avg Speed to Answer
# inbound
# of Holds

You can have multiple widgets in the same report ->1 on the queue level and 1 on the user level. You can also create graphs.

You can't use these KPIs on the user level with LOB.
Abandonment rate -> this will give you weird results because of the following situation ->
1 Caller rings to ESC English. It rings simultaneously to 10 members. Caller disconnects before somebody answering. This counts as 1 Abandoned call for the Queue. But each member gets 1 abandoned call if you are looking at the user level... So the sum of Abandoned Calls will be a lot more on the user level than the actual # of abandoned calls on the queue.
Longest Wait Time -> this is specific for a call queue
# abandoned on hold -> I think RC doesn't have this in LOB

I am gong to check the questions you got in the pdf tomorrow maybe 😃 I only focused on getting a report that captures your Inbound Queue Line Goals.
