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Historical Report to Analytics Conversion

  • 10 January 2019
  • 4 replies

The recent report conversion has taken away the ability to track individual performance of users answering the call queue calls. When it was Historical Reports it would allow us to see calls each user received from the queue, answered, missed, etc. Now with Analytics this information is no longer available. I have spent almost 4 weeks on the phone with several techs as well as my account rep with no resolution. This data is the most important tool that we use daily and now it's gone.


This should hopefully help you get the info you need:

  1. Go to the Queues section
  2. Select the Queue you want to look at - you will be brought to a page that breaks down all of the members in that queue
  3. Then for KPIs, try the #Refused - in the Total KPIs and Users sections

I've been through that with a Tech already. If those were accurate then the number of refused combined with the number of inbound/answered should equal the total calls into the queue and it does not. 
Ok, hopefully this helps! 

You can still get Answered, Missed Calls, and more information by selecting the appropriate KPIs. So for instance, if I want to know how many calls were answered and how many were missed in my Call Queue I would go to Queues section, then select the Queue I want to look at, then under the User section I would choose these Columns to display: Total Calls, #Answered, & #Missed (w/VM) - you can add any others you wish, this example is strictly Answered and Missed for simplicity sake.

Refused does not refer to calls that were missed, it simply let's you know if a Queue Member (who is in a queue that is either set to Rotating or Sequential) did not want to answer that call, therefore, it went on to a different Queue member

Yes...below are my findings for the Analytics for Yesterday (specifically)

  • KPI - able to be selected but not showing data (red boxes below)

    • If they are able to be selected they should show data

    • Had 2 VM (via RC_Queue Report - Export)

    • 52 Outbound calls (via RC_Queue Report - Export)

    • Refused CallsIf I am correct, these are the DND and Ignored incoming calls (while logged in), these range from 1, 7 or 15 sec each on the Call Log report

      • Need a better way to know what agents are on DND vs truly available on Live Reports also
