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how is %SLA service level calculated?

  • 20 March 2021
  • 1 reply

at this link it says:

• Service Level Target (%)

The target percentage of calls that must be answered by agents within the service-level time threshold.

• Service Level Threshold (s)

The period of time in seconds that is considered to be an acceptable service level. A call within this time period will be marked as "within service level", while calls of longer duration will be considered as "outside of service level". Doesn't include time in IVR.

Is this %SLA based on the total number of incoming calls or is it based on the number of answered calls.

For example, we set %SLA at 30 seconds. For our accreditation, we need to meet 80% of calls answered within 30 seconds. So if there are 100 incoming calls and 80 calls are answered and 20 calls are missed and 60 calls were answered within 30 seconds.

Is the %SLA:

60/100 or 60% or is it 60/80 or 75%?

We looked at our %SLA for each month in the year and all of them according to RingCentral ranged from 74% to 100%. Yet according to our accreditator, our %SLA was roughly 67% for the year because we had 79K calls answered within 30 seconds and we had 120K total inbound calls.

Hi @nguyen1234, It depends on "Include abandoned calls" SLA setting: if it is off (it is off by default), it would effectively mean %SLA is based on number of answered (or VM-ed) calls.
To include all calls, "Include abandoned calls" should be ticked and "Abandoned calls threshold" should be zero.
