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I am looking for information about key press from our customers. For example, when they call, they need to press their order so we can reply their order's status: shipped, delay, etc.

I don't know if I could code it, or it is already in the admin page which I can just set it up. I look around and find no such information.

If you know about it, please let me know.

I am looking forward to hearing from you


Are you talking about ivr settings?

Hi Anirban,

No, it is not IVR I think. IVR sets at max 250, and they are predefined numbers. In my case, I don't know their number, I ask them to input information and then search in our store database and reply corresponding answer

For example, if a customer order in our store, they have their own order number for tracking their order. Using that number, they press in keypad and our store will reply correctly its' status.

Thats not something that RC can do right now. (Although its something that RC currently does internally... When you call customer service, you enter your account phone number, and their IVR can detect what the account name is from that).

Is this on the roadmap at all? Would be a huge addition

Is this on the roadmap at all? Would be a huge addition

I don’t if what you need is exactly as what was asked from the original question or not. But this is not supported and I am not aware of anything like that in the roadmap.

However, you can implement the feature with the platform new capability. Check out this article to learn how to achieve it.
