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We have an internal number + extension under a corporate account that is shared across multiple users to send outbound SMS so that active case workers can see conversations with external workers. We now want to send some automated outbound messages and wan't those conversations to be sent from the same internal number + ext.

When a new API app is created, it auto-assigns the phone extension used for the new app but does not allow that extension to be changed. If the API app is used to send outbound SMS but the "from" field is set to the other account, an error is reported:

Parameter [from] value [+1**********] is invalid [Cannot find the phone number which belongs to user]

Is there any way to have SMS sent from another number (to fix the issue above) or have the API app username + extension changed to the existing account already being used by case workers?


No, there is no API to reassign the number to another extension. You will need to login the service web and reassign the number. Or, authenticate the app with the user who owns the number.
