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When calling: /restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~ for a particular user account, I get back a response which has an extensionNumber value of '0'

Since 0 is not a valid extension number, what would cause this condition?

The user is the admin user for this account, and this happens if the user logs in with an extension or leaves the extension field blank.

Hi Jason,

What is the extension that you are using to login for this account ?  Please be aware that ~ represents the current accountID and extensionID with the above API Call.

"0" is a valid extension number for some old accounts. You probably cannot create such extensions today, but in the past it was possible.

Thank you for the responses. The user gets this value when they leave the extension blank. If 0 used to be a valid extension then an older account with a Super Admin ext of 0 sounds like the culprit.
Anton, do you by chance know when extensions of 0 were disallowed?
Jason, "0" is default extension for Primary account administrator. With some RingCentral Service Plans it even can happen today. For most accounts extension is created with "101" number. If you want me to investigate this particular case please provide customer phone number which was used as a username.
Jason, the number you provided is not associated with any RingCentral account.

Actually, even today, Fax-only accounts have the only extension, and its number is "0".
