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Having met the requirement to upgrade to production I'm stuck on the 2nd step, (I asked to remove OAuth since I used JWT)


I don't have an answer on the case I created (and escalated) and it's starting to get urgent on my end to upgrade this to production

Do you have any idea how I can upgrade to production despite the UI being stuck ?

Thanks !

What is your app client id? Do you also have the support case number?


The case number is 21182198 and where can I get the client id ?


If you have the case number, you can continue to ask the supporter to show you how to get the client id.


Case id : 21182198
Client Id : 5HCEviKpdDXdz1DLkxKZsc

Do you have the right to upgrade it directly to production ? Or Can you give me the contact of someone who can ?

Thanks !

sorry for the delay. Your app is graduated now!
