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I have tried unsuccessfully to send fax attachment via the API:

- Tried two different destination faxes

- Tried two different pdf attachments (including simply resending the fax cover sheet RC generates)

- Tried appending the attachement to formData as a Blob and File

- Checked the Contect-Type is set to application/pdf

In all cases the fax is indicated as Sent on the message store and indicates that there are 2 pages to be sent (cover + 1 one-page attachment) but the receiving fax machine only gets the cover page.

Please help - it takes way to long to develop applications based on RingCentral!

Did you receive the fax with the cover page and w/o attachments? Sending fax from sandbox is currently broken as attachments will be missing. Faxing work normal on production environment though.

Will let you know when then problem is be fixed.

Well that was a waste of five hours of my time :(
